Image Processing Live Tutoring
Adobe Camera Raw, Lightroom and Photoshop
Post Production Lessons on Video-chat

By using Skype for our video chat sessions, I can share my screen, allowing therefore you to see what I am doing in real time, while we talk. For the image processing session we can either use my files or you can send in the raw files of your images.
1 hour: 120 EUR (22% VAT included)
2 hours: 220 EUR (22% VAT included)
• A Skype account - please learn how to get one here
• A headset (or separate speakers and microphone) and a webcam.
• Skype does not require a huge bandwith so a moderately fast internet connection will be sufficient for the lessons.
• Photoshop (at least CS4), Adobe Camera Raw and/or Lightroom.
Book your private session
For booking your Image Processing session online, please send me an email to explaining your needs, and I will be back to you right away. I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Skills you will learn
• how to process RAW files, and how to choose the correct processing procedure to achieve the desired look
• how to reduce digital noise, vignetting and chromatic aberration in RAW files
• how to process many times the same image to have a set of Tiff or Jpg files to be merged into a final image
• how to process a sequence of RAW files to produce a stitched panorama
• how to keep consistent the processing within a sequence
• how to manually merge, in Photoshop, different exposures to create the final image
• how to stitch panorama's sequences in Photoshop
• different ways of stitching in Photoshop (reposition only, perspective, cylindrical, spherical, collage); how to choose the best stitching procedure depending on the focal length at which the sequence has been shot
• how to remove or minimize distortions in Photoshop with the tools Scale, Perspective, Distortion and Warp
• fine tuning of the images, how to enhance contrast, brightness and saturation on selected areas of the image, by mean of selection masks
• how to prepare the image for their final use, such as web display, publishing and printing as fine art prints
• Brief notes about colour spaces and maximum printable size according to the resolutions